Saturday, September 02, 2006


Its been a while since I've posted, as I've been somewhat blocked from internet access, for the last week at least, as I headed off to Canberra with my year 6 class for their yearly excursion. Great great fun.
We did all the touristy things and headed along to alot of education spots like Parliament house, Questacon, The war memorial, CSIRO, National Gallery, Australian Museum.
Funny moment of the trip was trying to convince Rodney to stop swinging on his chair as he sat bored in front of "Blue Poles" By Jackson Pollock. The tour guide was getting incredibly nervous as she explained that the painting was worth around 116 Million dollars. We had a good laugh about it later, as we envisioned him doing a forward flip into the painting before knocking it off the wall....
I bonded with the kids in a big way, which was fantastic. It was fun to be able to interact with the kids in a more natural and relaxed environment. I'm more convinced than ever that I probably will cry on my last day of the internship. These kids have so much character, charm and cheek - that I'm just going to miss them so much!!

We also had a snow day while we were there, and headed out to the slopes of Perisha Blue for a day with a bunch of Toboggans. I am extremely proud to say that I am now the proud owner of the Track champion title. Successfully knocking Jase (Mr Reed) from his throne - Go The Girls!!!

We arrived home at around 10pm last night, and as much fun as I had on the trip I am glad to be home, glad to be in my own bed and able to sleep in for the first time in a long time.

Kids are pretty amazing. I'm not planning on any of my own for a while yet, but there is such a blessing in their company - in their innocence and cheekiness...

God has blessed me in my passions - I love teaching, I love the responsibility I have to these kids and I take it seriously and consider it an incredibly honour.
Thankyou dad.

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