Tuesday, September 12, 2006


and can you believe I nearly didn't mention it?!

This friday will also see the 6 month anniverssary of Timmy and I.

To be perfectly honest I can't believe it's only been 6 months...feels as though we've been together alot longer than that.

We have some great times together and I look forward to so many more.
I think one of my favourite things is that while we do disagree and we do fight sometimes, neither one of us is ever too proud to admit when we're wrong. And there is always a sorry not too far away when we've hurt each other, unintentional as the hurting may be. Theres a lot of respect in our relationship and that makes it amazing.

I miss him terribly. Can I say that without making anyone want to slap me? I do love him. and he's become so very important to me.

I look forward to when we don't have 3 hours of road between us. But while I don't think absence makes the heart 'fonder'...I do think that it helps you realise what it is you really want.

I know what I want...I want another 6 months with Timmy, then another 6 months then another and another and another...and you get the jist.

Big day friday...lots of anniversaries ;)

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