Thursday, December 06, 2007

Can anyone hear pitter-pattering?

There was a funny thing that happened after we got married. More and more, Timmy and I found ourselves yearning for the sound of tiny little feet running up the hallway, to nurture and love unconditionally that little somebody.

So, after much thought and prayer and consideration we made the big, lifelong commitment to add a new member to our family...



Its a boy,



And his name is...




He's a goofey kid, with a whole heap of personality, while being really, really clever. So 'Jester' was the perfect fit.He's a Siberian Husky, and he's just hit 3 months, we've had him since he was 6 weeks old. So it's only been a short time, but we cannot imagine him not being a part of our family.
He's hyper, so you're lucky to see any good photo's, as he's incredibly difficult to photograph [he rarely stops moving!!]

kay okay, so I know Belinda is going to be dissapointed that all this hype was about a puppy and not a baby, but Jester really is our little bub, and the only bub we're going to be having for a good few years yet. And anyway, we said we yearned for the pitter-patter of tiny feet...well, we get more feet this way ;)


Bec said...

Goodness, that is one cute dog!

Karina said...

This reminds me of the book 'Marley & Me'. =]

Anonymous said...

me, disappointed....?!

Hmm, not quite, just less enthusiastic than if you had a REAL kid called Jester. Or any other name for that matter.
I'd so babysit for ya then.

But a puppy....I aint pickin up dog turds for no one! haha

But I must be getting a little softer in my old age...I think I almost like your little "bub"...

but dude....he's freakin huge already! I know you're into big macho dogs, but I'm a sucker for little tikes.....toy poodle is my ideal buddy, but none of that "carry it in a handbag a-la-Paris" crap.

Anyhoo, aside from my ranting, I did actually want to congratulate you gorgeous kids on the new arrival. He really is a cutie....

but do you know how adorable the other kind of pitter pattering little feet are....the ones with less fur and no teeth and little wrinkly legs and arms and sweet as sugar grins.....

seriously Jess, just make me an Aunty already! hehe

love ya girl!