Monday, June 18, 2007

Keep Living Your Love

A couple of days ago, I spent the day with a gorgeous friend of mine. Now when I say Gorgeous I mean in every way. Beautiful spirit, personality and achingly beautiful to the eye also. Now it was at the end of my time with her, after we had parted ways that the old lie began to creep up on me..."Look out Jess, how can you ever expect to be standing within the same league as her...I mean seriously!!..."

As the lies rattled around in my mind, I struggled and I struggled, my mood continued to sink and I could feel a sadness slowly creeping itself over me.

"...If you acted more like her, took on a personality like her, tried to look like her then you would be more beautiful...people would like you'd like yourself more..."

And then I clicked. Something in my mind clicked. That part of myself that is choosing to love spoke up and silenced the wounding whisper,

"What good can you do by becoming a clone? Exactly how long do you honestly think you can keep up a charade? What are you giving to the world that isn't already here? Nothing!

If you want to be beautiful then be beautiful in your own right, be beautiful in who you are and what you have to give..."

I can feel the change taking a stronger hold in my life and I feel stronger and more in love with who I have been created to be. I want to offer my unique gifts and self to this world, I want to find what it is I can give. I want to continue to love what I have to offer while appreciating [not mimicing] the gifts that others can offer to this world. I want to look at the beauty of fellow women and be grateful that we're on the same team...The numbers and positions may be different, but we're all wearing the same jersey, it's time we started cheering each other on!

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