Tuesday, January 03, 2006


okay, so I've had a blog request from a friend.

"create one post of all your weirdness, stories whatever...all you, all true"

This is the best I could come up with today. Perhaps I can add to it as more 'weirdness' emerges.

# I’m a country bunpkin through and through, never lived in the city for anything more than two weeks.

#I enjoy brussel sprouts [shock horror] yet loathe choko’s.

#I have a serious earring fetish, which has extended to most forms of jewellery.

#When I’m cranky I become a cleaning Nazi.

#My dads nickname for me is ‘Wesem’, neither of us has any clue why.

#I’m a twin [no we can’t talk to each other in our heads]

#When I was 5, I cut my sisters face with a cheese knife, my explanation? “she looked like cheese” [I have no recollection of this event whatsoever]

#Human acts of little to no coordination amuse me highly

#Large birds terrify me [Emus, Ostriches, and sometimes Pelicans]

#The most radical man to ever grace this earth is my best friend.

#I’m fairly convinced that my ears aren’t even

#One day I’ll travel the world with only what I can fit in a back-pack.

#Farting still makes me laugh.

#I cut my own hair

#I regularly smile at strangers in the street

#I can twist my tongue into a 3 leaf clover shape

# When I'm scared I laugh, though it's more a giggle

#Even when I'm completely alone I still say "'scuse me" when I burp or fart

#I secretly enjoy Hilary Duff movies [I KNOW!!! it's hideous]

#Though I pretend not to, I actually do enjoy watching people play computer/xbox/playstation games.

#often I'll continue phone conversations while I'm on the toilet without the other person ever knowing.

# for at least the first 12 years of my life I ardently believed that if I;
- swallowed gum I would die
- walked behind a horse I would get kicked in the head and die
- looked in a microwave I would go instantly blind
- ran across the road, would trip, getting hit by a car and die
among many others, brought on by none other than my own mother.

#I love the smell of books, especially new books, and damn straight, bibles smell awesome!

# I'll happily Sit for ages reciting Strongbad or black books quotes with my brother Matt

# I often find my own farts so_ not_ offensive that it scares me.

#I collect cows... cups, money boxes, statues, toys. Never really knew why, people just started giving them to me, and they haven't stopped.

#[As hard as it may be to believe,] I was actually once annoying. My year 1 teacher writing on my report card; "Jessica has an insatiable urge to involve herself in every conversation within the classroom" - I thought it was a very kind way of putting it.

for now thats all I've got...perhaps i will add more later.

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