Tuesday, August 15, 2006

At School...

As I type this now, I can hear the presentations of students within my classroom, carrying on behind me. Suzii (my prac teacher) and I have release for two hours every Tuesday afternoon. Today being Tuesday and now being the afternoon - means that this joyful part of the week has indeed arrived.
I spent the last hour working on 3 programming KLA's and now, figuring I've worked hard enough for one day, deserve a bit of a break.

Week 4 of my internship. 6 more to go and it has been decided that I WILL be going with year 6 to Canberra for a week. FANTASTIC! free holiday, just pottering around with the kids for a week, plus no teaching, which means no lesson planning or programming.
I really am enjoying my time here. I worked out my teacher profile, which means I've established the line for students, betweeen being their friend and being their teacher. I actually have them running scared some days when they really try to test the limits. However for majority of the time I get along famously with the kids.
I already have requests from the girls as to what colour earrings I should wear each day.

Tim comes to visit on Thursday, which I'm pretty stoked about - I haven't seen him for a little over a month. Which means that I have another month till the end of my internship. yayaay!

But alas! thats the Bell - time to take some kids to the bus lines.
Have an awesome day and I'll update soon.

1 comment:

Bella said...

Dear Miss Braybrook,

You're my favourite friend. I really like you because you smell good and you make me laugh and you play games with me and it's fun.

Love from Belinda xx