It's been a rather large weekend and I cannot help but feel slightly exhausted now it all being said and done.
Thursday the 12th of October saw Timmy and I heading to Queensland to stay with his Mum and Step-dad for the weekend.
Tim was sharing a 21st party with his cousin Jess on the saturday, thus why we had made the 6 hour car treck to be there. I absolutely adore Tims Parents and therefore felt completely at ease spending the weekend in their company.
By thursday night we were to tired to really do anything and so just pottered around the place. Gere and Richard (The folks) live on this beautiful property where you wake up to the sound of birds, and regularly see koala's napping in the trees. , yet only need to travel about an hour to get to the very heart of Brisbane. It was nice to be able to enjoy the quiet and rest easy for a while.
I knew it was going to be a biggen weekend, I already felt slightly nervous at the prospect of meeting Tims extended family in their entirety.
Friday saw us heading across to the Direct factory Outlet, for some retail therapy. It was just a really nice day of leisurely walking about with Timmy and his mum. In fact can I say it was one of those days when I just felt so relaxed, so comfortable to and happy. The conversation was free and fun - full of playfulness and joy. By the end of the evening, as Tim and I sat in his parents loungeroom - They bid us goodnight and headed to bed while timmy and I sat and chatted and laughed, and there was definitely alot of the long glances into each others eyes as I tried to remember the last time I'd felt that happy!
Tim stood with the words "I'll be right back" and headed into the kitchen. I heard him rustling about in the bags and convinced myself that he was grabbing a couple of Freddo frogs for us. He wandered back into the room, shoving what I thought were the Freddo's into his back pocket. He came and stood just in front of me, and leaned over to give me a soft kiss on the forehead. "How much do you love me?" he asked, to which I responded "Heaps" He then reached into his back pocket, and I expected him to hand me my Freddo, but instead a small Navy blue box comes into view. As he gently opens it, he sinks onto one knew and asks, "Will you marry me?"
For at least the first minute or so all I was able to say was "Oh my goodness...I didn't even see this coming...how could I not have seen this coming?..."
He must have been so nervous and my failure to answer the question must have only added to it :P
running through my head was the question "What would mum and dad think?" their opinion on such things means the world to me.
Knowing me too well Timmy says right at that moment "And don't worry, I asked your parents permission about 2 weeks ago and they're pretty excited about it..."
it's crazy, it's all crazy. All this coming from the guy who I boasted on the fact that he could never surprise me...I've since been forced to eat my words. He surprised me big time, plus add to that, my parents, brother and sister, his parents all knew about it....

So yes, as of 10pm Friday night I am a newly engaged woman. Timmy and I sat and prayed on the friday night, that God would lead us through this transition and as we head into this new stage of our relationship. We're both headed into unchartered territory, so we'll both be learning and growing together, it's all rather exciting and I couldn't be happier. I love Tim so much I trust him completely and we're easily the best of friends.
The ring some of you may be asking...is a Triangle cut blue sapphire with a string of diamonds lining 2 of the 3 edges, in a band of white gold. It's beautiful, and a perfect fit - Timmy did well. :)

Sunday Tim and I headed to Dreamworld, and after months of planning I was able to return the surprise factor by taking Tim on his Tiger Photo session. We got 15 minutes with the opportunity to actually pat a real Tiger, complete with the "Now remember while these tigers are tamed, they ARE still wild animals, so at no point should you touch their face, head or paws, instead give them plenty of firm pats along there back" in later discussions we both chuckled over the fact that they hadn't mentioned anything about the testicles and decided that if there was any way you were going to be booted from the park, then grabbing a tigers testicles was definitely the way to go. Assuming you survived the encounter then it would make for a pretty handy ice-breaker/conversation starter, Of course being mauled was probably the more likely conclusion :P
We ended up getting to spend our time with Mohan, the king of the pack and lets just say it was amazing...Timmy was stoked and I got the warm fuzzies just by looking at the absolute Joy on his face.

The rest of the day was spend wandering about Dreamworld, enjoying each others company and having laugh after laugh as we relaxed in the glorious Gold Coast weather.
And so at the end of the busy weekend, here I am back in Armidale, happy, contented and already receiving excited phonecalls from mum with suggestions for wedding and reception...
Rough date, the 6th of October 2007, pencil it in ;)
yay jess, i'm so happy for you. Reading that just brought back a lot of memories when chris proposed.lol.
You know...your wedding date may just come earlier...i mean, we brought ours forward just under a year.
Hehe anyway, i'm soooo happy for you. We'll have to compare rings soon.
Wow Jess. Congratulations! That's awesome!
I tried to comment last night!
Congratulations Jess and Tim!!!
(Ripper of a post too, I didn't even see it coming - there you were talking about your cat and... Wham. A Ring!)
Uhh...Jess? Is your ring on your right hand?! :P
Nah Burks...I'm not completely retarded! :P
I took the piccie on my camera phone, so when it took it, it flipped it.
So while it looks like it's on my right hand in the piccie, in reality it is firmly planted on my left ring finger.
I've watched enough chick-flicks to know where it goes :P ;)
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