I realise that for some of you, you cannot think of anything worse than listening to me ramble about the wedding plans, however since these are the most interesting happenings in my life currently, they my dear reader, will be what I shall share with you.
The date has been booked. 6th of October, 2007.
I'm so grateful to my mum for being on top of everything. Had we not booked this far in advance, there is no way at all, that we would have gotten what we wanted, where we wanted it and when we wanted it.
So far, what we do know is this;

The ceremony will be held at the Green Cathedral. A gorgeous open air church right on the waters of wallace lake. It's always been a little dream of mine to get married there, so it is exciting that it will be happening.
The Plan is for the whole affair to be fairly low key, relaxed. With 80 people total. Buffet, and a Brassery of sorts. No formal seating plan, the tables will be decorated and arranged (as would be expected) however, we've decided that we would prefer for people to decide where and with whom they would like to sit.
Peacock feathers. Already idea's are being formulated, with Kate giving me some amazing idea's.
One that we're both pretty keen on is this;

This is all so pink I nearly wanted to puke. But now imagine Peacock feathers instead of the Pink Ostrich feathers. And blue instead of pink (barf) everywhere note: I'm not planning on all the frilly stuff, just talking the feather vase centrpieces here ;)
The bridesmaids;
Katie (maid of Honour)
Jess.W. (go the J team)
I'm sure I will update you soon ;)
heck no. tell us all you like. :P (but hey I'm a girl) this stuff is interesting!
Man we are one HOT wedding party Jess! Haha.
Peacock feathers are so you, and blue....nice. Should match the lake in an unexpected way. As in you wouldn't find peacock feathers scattered along the beach like shells, you know. Sounds cool though.
So....is the penguinator your photographer? He'd take great shots (and...psst...if he comes up he'll have to come out to Wingy and see how we live it up) haha.
So...do I have to know anything yet, like dresses and stuff. And anything I have to do.
Oh....just a reminder...the Green Cathedral is home to a shipload of mozzies and Bee doesn't like having big ass red marks all over her when spending a day getting photos taken. Not a good look.
Make citronella candles your friend ;-) hehe
Love you Jess, let me know if I can do anything,k.
Bee-bee xx
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