Thursday, January 18, 2007
It's moving time!!
On Tuesday Tim caught his flight out from Brisbane to Melbourne for his Job interview at Klopferdobos, He must have done some serious impressing because he walked straight out of the interview, rang me on the phone opening the conversation with "I GOT THE JOB!!!"
So with those words Tim and I will be moving to Melbourne, set to plant our feet there within the next 2 weeks.
So currently I'm working my way through the registration process to be recognised within Victorian schools. Plus I'm also looking for a flat. For the time being I shall be moving in with my Aunty Jan, who I adore - but I refuse to mooch off her for too long, with my moving in being only a temporary thing.
So it's exciting, a little nervy but the way tim and I have chosen to look at it is, we're starting an adventure and we're on it together.
God has been so amazing with this whole shabang...he really has captured the desires of the heart and we're both so happy with the outcome...we realise there's going to be a tonne of stuff to organise in a really short time, but God has been so good, he's never let us down, and he's going to continue to lead us through.
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Hitched in Zion!
I did some research, with the goal to find out more about the History behind the Green Cathedral. Yep, thats the place where Tim and I are set to tie the knot.
I've always had a soft spot for the outdoor church, but having searched a little deeper, I'm even more in love with it now than I ever was before.
The 'Green Cathedral' and 'Green Cathedral Ministries' are part of Community of Christ. The name Tiona [where the church is located] is a Tahitian word that is equivalent to the biblical 'Zion', an ideal place where the people of God were of one heart and one mind and dwelt in righteousness.
[wow! loving that hey!!]
The first church spiritual retreat was held in Tiona in 1923.
The Green Cathedral was birthed from a vision of a place for people to worship and was dedicated 'For private devotion and public worship' in 1940.
This beautiful open-air santuary is used for worship and sacrament services such as; marriage; blessing of children; baptism and funeral services.
Green Cathedral Ministries hold worship services each sunday at 10:ooam. All are invited and welcome to share, with communion services held the first sunday of the month.
At the entrance there is a dedication sign which reads;
"The groves were God's first temples
Father, your hands have raised these giant palms
You did weave the palm frond roof above, you are here,
Lord you fill the solitude.
In this place nature enjoys your presence.
You Lord have not left yourself without witness,
Grandeur and tranquility mix here to speak of you.
Here is continual worship,
We breathe our thanks."
I can't think of a place I would want to get married in more. How rad is that!! I'm getting married in Zion.
p.p.s. I bought my wedding shoes today and they're high...comfortable, gorgeous and high :P
Thursday, January 04, 2007
have a squiz and managed to snaffle the dresses not only for $50 each, but because we bought 2 we got the 3rd one free! And they are so much more than I ever expected!! I love love LOVE them!!
And yes...he he he...I am mean. I'm not going to show you the whole lot either. Just little sneek-peeks of them...after all I want the title of the post to remain relevent ;)
Time and Time again, God just keeps blessing and blessing with these wedding arrangements. Everything keeps falling into place, and thus far it really hasn't been a struggle at all. Though I don't think I have bridezilla tendencies at all! Things have fallen through and we've gone another direction and it hasn't fazed me in the slightest. So long as Tim and I get married, my family and friends are there, then I'm going to be happy.
But to keep this honest, Gosh it's nice to have things looking so Gosh-dang pretty, and the best part is it hasn't cost an arm, or a leg yet!...I'm excited about the big day.
I hope that my sharing is making you excited too :D
Engagement luncheons!
The funny thing is, Tim and I both shy away from the spotlight, so the entire day being devoted to us was somewhat...interesting (for lack of a better word) But fantastic all at the same time.
We both realise that we have an absolutely amazing network of support gathered around us as we step into this new phase. I actually find it hard not to let a few tears slip past when I think about it. We are so blessed, so, so blessed!
Thankyou for your friendship, for your love, you mean more than you know and I appreciate you so sincerely!
Thankyou Brother and sisters of my heart!