Saturday, October 08, 2005


So it's been a few days since I last posted, and here I find myself tapping at the keyboard on a rainy saturday afternoon.
Some of my mob from Armidale came up with the concept of comedy-dessert fests on a saturday night, so thats what I'm preparing for currently; this weeks viewing will consist of "Mother and Son" accompanied by big bowls of ice cream with all the shabbang (Sprinkles choc sauce, choc bits)
We've got plans for Mr Bean, Lano and Woodley and Carl Barron amongst others (One each week) over the next few weeks.

Though I must admit that while I'm anticipating this evening I'm missing Wae Jae terribly, I KNOW! I never thought that would happen :p
Nah I have to admit that I've grown incredibly fond of the man. Over the last week we've sat up till around 2am chatting about all sorts of things, I've never had an incredibly close male friend and I must say that I'm loving it. I guess the greatest thing about it all is that there is a level of transparancy which occasionally leaves me awe-struck. But at the same time there is no confusion in the emotional arena, we both know where we stand and there's something very liberating about not having to worry that the other may be reading into something more than was intended.
Though what was exciting was Felicity's admital of her feelings towards Wae Jae, had I not been driving at the time I would have leapt out of my seat for sheer excitement. I couldn't help feeling that it would be the ultimate union.
I love Felicity and Wae Jae incredibly, so so much. Wae Jae had spoken of another woman about a month ago, and as he spent some time with her I remember feeling saddened by the fact that he wasn't around very much anymore, because she didn't like coming over to his place, so he was constantly over there. My concern was also that he often missed church and bible studies because he was 'busy'. Granted you don't need those things in order to continue with your christian walk, but when you know someone well, you can see when they're struggling, and I could see that in Wae Jae.
But alas those times have passed, and call me selfish but I'm grateful for being able to have my buddy back.

Finally I get to the point which I intended to begin with. Wae Jae graduated yesterday with his Bachelor of Commerce.[see piccie] Luke and I sat in the scorching sun for 2 hours to watch him take the stage and shake some hands. His parents and Grandma had travelled over from Malaysia to attend and so I got to meet the people responsible for this funny little man. Wae Jae's mother was adorable, absolutely gorgeous and just incredibly lovely, we both whinged about having colds and shared some tissues and cough lollies. Luke and I got some piccies with the boy and then headed down the hill to leave the family to some hang-out time.

And so, early this morning Wae Jae and his family headed off to Sydney for a week, and it's in his absense that I'm realizing just how much I appreciate him. Already there's been a couple of things which I wanted to walk into his room and get the male perspective on...


I just got a text message from him asking me a question about what we were chatting about last night, he said that he needed the female perspective. Craziness!!

But yeah I guess the point that I'm getting to is that I don't want to take anyone for granted, I mean Wae Jaes only going to be gone for a week, but he doesn't know whether he'll stay here in Australia or head back to Malaysia. He's been talking about it all for a while, and I guess it's starting to hit home that if he does go somewhere else, I'm gonna miss him SO much! He's not just my friend, but he's become like a brother, he's like family and I love him so much!

So you oh faithful reader, don't take anyone for granted, use the time you have to tell them how much you love them and need them in your day. It's such an amazing thing to have the honour of being able to share life with such incredible people.
Thankyou for your friendship and your love, I appreciate you so sincerely.

Your sister always
Jess xoxo

1 comment:

Jezika_Rae said...

um...thanks I think.

now I know where to go if I want to exchange an ad.
can't see that happening, but I'll store that info under "Useless information I always seem to remember, which prevents me from remembering the more important stuff" file in my head.
