Wednesday, October 05, 2005


Prac was definitely interesting. Well when I'm perdfectly honest, prac broke my heart.
There were so many children within that classroom that were just so broken, so shattered with life; divorce, domestic abuse, custody battles; had all taken their tole on this little stars. In a way, as I would watch these kids, when I had the opportunity to chat with them in the relaxed setting of the lunch seats it made me feel as though they'd almost had their innocence stolen from them. These were 8 year olds who had been forced to take their 4 year old sister to the car where they would sleep because dad was hitting mummy again; who weren't allowed to see dad anymore because he had tried to steal them from mummy; who often didn't bring lunch because their just wasn't enough food in the house that day.
More than anything else in this world I want to teach. I loved these kids that I had the honour of sharing 6 weeks with.
Yes it was tough, yes I still have so much to learn in order to be the best teacher I can be - but I wan't to be the best I can be, I want to try and make a difference in these kids lives, more than anything I want these kids to have the opportunity to just be kids.
So many of them had been forced by their homelives to become 'little-adults' and it broke my heart, when more than anything they just wanted to know the care-free spirit of a child.

The world has changed alot from when I was a kid - there are so many broken children, who grow up into rebellious teenagers and angry adults because the world has cheated them.

more than anything I just want to love them - if I can only change their days for those 6 hours they're at school, thats enough, thats something...
....but wow! did I love those kids, I cried on the last day as all the girls gave me tight cuddles, and the boys (little dudes) lingered near by not sure whether they were too cool for a hug. Till I bent down and said with a wink "I know guys hate this, but I reckon I could do with a hug, coz I'll miss you alot" They we're willing, and secretly I think they enjoyed it ;)

I saw one of the little guys, Koye , at vacation care and man-oh-man. My heart was huge! I was wearing the biggest grin when I saw him, and I remember thinking at the time 'if I had kids of my own this is what it would feel like'
it was one of 'my kids', well at least they felt like my own, and I just loved every one of them sooo sooo much.

I looking to head back and help out on the class at the end of this term, because I'm missing them so much.

All I can say is that God is so faithful and so good. I met with him each afternoon of prac. And he gave me rest, he filled me with strength and helped me step into each day with his power. It wasn't easy at the start of prac, but God was there and he saw me right through to the end.
He was my rock!
and I would have been a mess without him with me.

'Thankyou-for your faithfulness daddy, which sustains me each and every day.'

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