Monday, October 03, 2005

Long time no blog

So it's been quite a while since I've blogged, and alot has happened, alot of stretching ang growing and challenging has been taking place. Too much to go into too much detail right now. But I've been learning so very very much. Over the next few entries I hope to share with you some of the things that have been going on in Jezika's world.
I hope that I won't bore you, and I hope that I can be as honest about everything as possible.
But to give you a bit of an Update;

I finished prac, it was tough, alot of hurting kids there, and it broke my heart, it was hard work, really challenged me, but every kid was absoultely beautiful and I loved 'em to bits. It was sad to say goodbye.

A close family freinds of ours Lauchlan March, at the age of 22 died. It was devastating, absolutely heartbreaking. But he loved his God and he served him faithfully, and so in my heart I know that we will meet again.

I've been learning incredible things about Gods grace and faithfulness

I celebrated my 21st Birthday in fine style, with a return to childhood party, complete with kiddy party food and kiddy party games and music. I don't think it could have been better, musical chairs was an absolute riot and everyone made an effort with the costumes. We had school kids, Tigger, Nipper lifesavers, Barbie, Mr Squiggle, Imaginary friends, superhero's....absolute Gold! what a way to celebrate!

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