Wednesday, October 12, 2005

dis-jointed words...of a growing heart.

So you like someone, realize that your not getting any signals at all, fear even daring to make your feelings known out of fear of rejection. No make that, you don't make your feelings known because your not recieving any signs that they're interested in you.

So you pray, and you feel God telling you that he wants you to let it go.

It's been a year getting to know this person, you respect them hugely and everytime you think of letting it go you think "But what am I supposed to do after that?"

"There is no sacrifice without pain" They're the words God whispered to my spirit last night...
"Nor shall I make offerings to the Lord my God with that which costs me nothing"
2 Samuel 24:24 - thats the verse thats been bouncing around in my head.

You'll have to excuse my very broken writing tonight, I'm just knackered, my brain is fried from this stupid social Justice Essay and I'm more than ready for a sleep.

I've been living up a huge God week this week. The busiest week of Uni this term and my buddy Fless and I made a pact to fully go out hard for God. Craziness, perhaps, but we want to make a concious effort ot keep God on top of everything in our lives, especially when everything tells us to bury it for a while untill life settles down...after all, this life is LIFE!

so thats me, I work, I pray, I study, I worship, I think and I cry...

God said I could have a good cry about the whole situation - for all of you on the outside looking in, I bet it sounds ridiculous and I'll agree, it probably is. But to me, it means something, and to me it's something my heart has to deal with.

I know God wants me single right now, but I'm only human, I miss the companionship, I miss having someone to hold and someone to be held by.
But God is faithful, never cruel. It's as simple as that.

I trust you Dad, I've just got to pop on the blinders and keep my eyes fixed on you.

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