Monday, March 27, 2006

Out with the Old, in with the New.

So I decided a change was in order.

If you know me well, then you know that I'm generally willing to have a go at most things I feel like doing with my hair. Afterall, it is hair, and unlike some male bloggers I have the pleasure of knowing, mine_will_grow back. ;) [alright, alright, lets keep it above the waist shall we, or I'll end up with a broken jaw :P]

and so, I decided on friday afternoon, that I had stuck with the colour red for too long.

The new colour is a dark brown. To the untrained eye one may say black - but alas it is a brown. It actually turned out darker than I expected, and I'm still unsure as to whether I really like it or not. But it's a change and a change is as good as a holiday. (I doubt it, but a change is good)


Best Part of my week?


Lounging around on Tims Bed with Lozza and the boy on a saturday morning, watching episodes of "The Family Guy"

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