Wednesday, March 22, 2006


I've been sitting here for about 5 minutes, trying to hold in a laugh as the bloke on the computer beside me picks his nose, then spends the next 10 seconds examining it, before wiping it down the front of his pants. I wonder if he even realises how disgusting that habit really is...

Last night Was a night of clarification it seems.
Headed along to bible study at Nicks and Waje's - only Nick and Waje weren't there, Laura and I were holding fort this week, as Waje headed out and Nick is spending the week on holiday in Coffs Harbour [Lucky bugger!]

We've been looking at a series of DVD teachings by John Bevere entitled "Drawing closer: True intimacy with God"
Last nights topic really settled some ponderings of my own heart. He was speaking on the fear of God.
Now this is something I've heard time and time again, yet never completely grasped. When the word 'fear' is spoken my little pea-brain human mind, creates this understanding on a world level. Fear: A feeling of agitation and anxiety caused by the presence or imminence of danger.
I guess for a long time I've really struggled with the whole issue of a healthy God fear, because I just can't bring myself to a place where I dread God. [I know thats a good thing].
I decided a long time ago that the fear of God which we, his children are called into, is that of Extreme reverence or awe of utter respect brought into being by an understanding of just who he is. God, Jahovah, Messiah, Alpha-omega... - and that, I know I have.

In the back of my mind however, as John spoke, I really started to question; do I live my life in such a way that nurtures my healthy fear. Then John spoke these words: "People who fear the Lord are willing to be obedient to him, even if they cannot understand or see the goodness of his plan."
I felt the goosebumps. In the last 4 days I could see area's where I struggled to understand yet chose to be obedient to God. I'm not trying to hold myself up as a saint, because all of you who know me, I who know myself and my God who knows me best of all, can see with little effort that I am a hopeless case- a bum on the street, who by nothing less than grace is slowly and humbly being polished into a Jewel of Gods keeping.

I was moved tremendously as John continued further, "God will not enter a place where he is not treated with the utmost respect...he is a holy God, a righteous King, he deserves to be treated as nothing less"
Have I been giving God that sort of respect in my life?!

The mob of us chatted for a while afterwards, which was great. I always appreciate the views of others, but more than that, I adore listening to people as they speak of it's applications within their lives. I love people!

I dropped Von and John[a newbie from Sudan] home and just as I began reversing out of the carpark, there was a loud thump on the back of the car. First reaction : WHAT THE HELL DID I HIT!!! I swing around to find the goofey face of Rhen staring in my window. We chatted for a while about this and that and everything else. That girl makes me laugh. she thought it was hilarious that her hitting the car had convinced me I'd hit something, we decided it would have been funnier if I had jumped out of the car and she were laying behind the back tyre, sprawled out on the road.
We bid each other farwell and as I started up the car I heard a loud thump - a smile crept up my cheeks, I knew exactly what to do - I lept out of the car in mock terror and ran round the back, and there was Rhen sprawled behind the back tyre, half her body under the car, leg twisted back to almost broken angles....I laughed so hard, the sight was much finer than I ever could have imagined.
Eventually we pulled ourselves together and Rhen raced off to meet Tess while I headed back to Waje's to chat with Laura.
laura confided that she'd missed me terribly today, to which I confessed I'd missed her so badly too! It's probably been the first day in about a week we hadn't spend a few hours chatting and laughing hysterically.
We came to the conclusion that IF ONLY one of us were male, we'de be married in a second. I love that girl :D

Eventually Waje came home and Loz and I left.

Tonight I head over to Riss's place. She's having a little 21st bash herself, because she has no inckling at all, that we're chucking a big surprise 21st Part-ay for her this saturday. Can't wait to see her face :D :P
So tonight, we grab pizza and head up to the stro.

It shall be tamed bliss. ;)

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