Friday, August 05, 2005

Change in the diet...

I've been a vegetarian for the last 5 years. An ova-lacto's vegetarian to be even more correct, which meant that I didn't eat red or white meat, but still scoffed on eggs and dairy.

However, it appears that things are changing. For a while now I've been feeling incredibly exhausted, more tired than I ever have before which I thought was strange since this is the healthiest that I've been in yonks - exercising regularly - no junky food - just fruit and vegies - plenty of water - plenty of sleep (in fact I've been taking naps which I've never done because I've been so tired) but I was still feeling just totally knackered.

So I headed to the medical centre and it seems my iron is low - really low. Explained my situation to the Doc and it seems that my body just isn't absorbing the iron from my other foods and so meat is the only way to go.

Call me a sook, call me whatever, but Thursday night as I prayed and read my bible for encouragement I had a good cry about it all. I've realized that when it comes to change I'm not always the best...I'm not terrible either, once I've gone through with something then I'm just fine and dandy, it's just making myself take that initial step.

So I ate some chicken nuggets, 30% work myself up to the heavier stuff and so far so good - no nights spend on the loo thinking I'm going to die.

Feeling a little vulnerable right now - and then Bec sent me this text message; (She's not a christian, but I asked her to pray for me) "I haven't prayed in a long time so I dunno what things r like between me n god at the moment, but I'll give it a shot coz I love u so much, n ur so important 2 me"
Stareted the waterworks off again but allowed me the opportunity to really pray into Bec's life. It's actually a really exciting time with the opportunities I've had to chat to Bec about God and his love has been awesome.
God is Good...
Your prayers would be wonderful right now - that I won't get sick and that I won't feel terribly guilty. I've been praying about it all and I genuinely feel a peace about eating meat. I think that I've discovered the balance and it came during some prayer, "Jess, you can eat meat, still love animals and continue to condemn animal cruelty..."

I'll be fine...

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