Monday, August 15, 2005

Seems it's my fave day of the week.

Had an awesome sunday, as I always seem to do of late.

Went to the 10am service at church, we had a guest speaker from just down the road at Glen Innes. WOW! great stuff, speaking about the fear of God, cleared up a few of my confusions.
After the service I went and grabbed a cuppa with the girls, gave out a few invites to Kate and my 21st, then we had another Electrolight conference meeting, and Damn! is the holy spirit awesome or what. Kez, who's also on the creative design team pulled out her sketching pad to share a few idea's she'd been having, I grabbed mine too and as we flicked our way through them all, everyone started humming with excitement. Mick turned to one of the pages in each of our pads and sat them side by side as Davo let out a "YOUR JOKING" we'd both sketched practically the same image, it was unreal!
so yeah, there's definite head-way going on at the moment, it's exciting, it'll be sad to leave for a good six weeks while I'm on my next teaching prac.
After the meeting I organised to meet up with the girls for an early dinner, late lunch at Tess's place before we headed to the night service at church. As I walked along texting Laura to let her know I was on my way, I looked up to see Nick pointing straight at me with this huge grin on his face "Whaaa" I mumbled
"The note Jess, thanks for the note, it was really cool"
As I was trecking my way back down the hill last thursday I'd spotted Nicks car in the carpark (It's pretty hard to miss) I'd previously Nick-named it the "Happy Car" due to it's bright yellow colour, but seeing it reminded me to pray about his whole work situation, so I grabbed a piece of paper and scribbled him a quick not which I left under his windshield wiper
"Hey Nicko!
Saw your beast parked here and it gave me a kick!
"The Happy Car" - reminded me to pray for ya!
Have an awesome day brother
Jess :)"

Got a bit of a run-down, and Nicks managed to score an interview with the company he really wanted, so thats awesome news! I'll keep praying

So I headed to dinch (dinner/lunch) with the girls, and we chatted and acted like fools, which was unreal then headed over the 6pm service at church...The place was absolutely buzzing, which was unreal! everyone was so pumped so the whole mob of us were moshing about - Felicity was up singing with the Band - So proud, she was nervous, but beautiful!
stayed after the service for Cafe`, chatted and hung out with the gang...
Great great times.
Had a full car when I left, headed all over armidale dropping people home...fantastic!
Had a good ol' chat to Fless afterwards...always one of my favourite times...

So this week...3 assignments to finish, travelling home on saturday...
coming to the realization that I'm going to miss arkidale SOOO much while I'm gone (Never thought I'd feel that way)

Thanks Lord, for knowing how much I would love being here, long before I could even see the light :D

1 comment:

Bec said...

Hi Jess,

you were interested in mercy ships stuff yes?

photojournalist's website/blog/photos on a mercy ship in west africa... rather amazing.