Wednesday, August 10, 2005

"Teddy Scare"

We're making a movie!

Wae-jae, Bec and Myself are having a crack at it and today we started shooting our first scenes literally 5 minutes ago. The quality is going to be dodge, but oh man, just coming up with the idea's has had us all in stitches.

The basic plot; Bec was delivered a giant Teddy bear (I mean seriously this thing is big, it comes up to about my hips) - we grabbed Luke to play the delivery man - the note which accompanied it said it was from a secret admirer. The next few scenes involve Bec introducing me to the teddy, the pair of us loving it to bits - shots of us doing all sorts of Jazz with 'Teddy' - eating dinner, playing computer, going for a walk, sleeping, watching T.V. The plan is to change clothes in every shot as well as have little titles 1 week later...basically Teddy has become a huge part of our lives and we love him to bits.
Then we get a new flatmate Wae-Jae, immediately wae-jae dislikes Teddy and thinks theres something unsettling about him. One night over dinner Wae-Jae confesses his dislike.
weird stuff starts to happen, I won't go into to much detail coz it's going to be something which you've gotta see :P perhaps if your kind I'll get you a copy.
So anywhoo basically the teddies alive, and the only thing it says is "Hooooney" in this real scratchy creepy voice. But the only one who ever see's it moving or hears it is Wae-Jae, the rest of us think he's nuts.
I don't want to give away the ending but it involves a honey sandwich, a plastic axe, tomato sauce, a mobile phone, an enraged Teddy and a terrible stink.

Man we're having the best time. I'll definitely fill you in, I have this feeling that my bro Matt is going to love it!

On a completely unrelated note I saw Becs car today while I was at Uni, so I wrote her a quick note and pinned it under her windscreen wipers, then on the same stretch I saw Nicks car which I've nick-named the "happy Car" coz it's got this shape which I thinks quite funny and it's bright bright yellow...seeing the car actually reminded me to pray about his whole Job situation, so I scribbled another quick note and left it on his windscreen...
Bec came back and said that I'd freaked her out because she'd seen the note and thought that she'd gotten a parking ticket (Yaaaaaay for me!! hoping Nick had the same heart-attack :P)

Pretty good day today, can't complain can't complain - Bec and I have decided to grab dinner tonight - pizza perhaps, in celebration of our interviews which went well - our 4 week teaching programs have been approved! YAY!

Got a message today from the beautiful Rea, She's living in Virginia in America as a nanny thingy-majig, she's awesome, easily one of my greatest friends in the whole world. I was sort of having a bit of a blue moment and then she sent it, instantly brought a smile to my face - she always had a knack for being able to do that. Rea your fantastic! a great friend who I'm blessed unbelievably to have - I love you!

1 comment:

Bella said...

why is it that even just reading about some freaky teddy saying "hooooney" in a scratchy creepy voice is enough to have me checking what's behind me?

I don't think I want to watch your movie Jess, sorry. I'll never sleep with a teddy again =P