Saturday, August 06, 2005


Today it was raining....more than that it was absolutely pouring down...


Wae-jae asked for a lift down the street since it was raining and I was bored I took the boy for a drive, then found a parking spot furthest from the shopping centre so we could walk for a good way in the rain. Call me a freak, yes, yes I am
Wae-jae of course complained the whole way as we trecked it in the rain, but man, I had the absolute best time I was jumping in the puddles all the way there, hitting them at just the right angle that it sent the water splashing all over Wae-Jae...eventually he stopped whinging and started splashing me back, Mad fun! should of seen us as we entered K-Mart absolutely soaking wet - Drowned Rats! :)

Came back, had a shower, dried off and got into my Jim-Jams then wrapped myself up in a big doona and watched video's.

OH, then I had the incredible fun of taking Wae-Jae through a complete facial...we're talking scrub, cleanser, mud mask, toner and moisturiser...he was an excellent student :P let me have my girly moment...he was cracking me up coz he was so interested in learning all the tricks of the trade.

Later that night I headed over to Tess's place, where we had ice-cream with all the Jazz, then headed over to Youth Group, Matt Andronica's was talking about Evolution, I love this blokes brain...and I grew to love it even more tonight, he's not only supa smart but he's one of the most effective communicators I've ever met. So Yes Yes, we were the creepy old people hanging out with the youngen's reminiscing about the good old days...Wae-jae Whinged the whole time (You may be beginning to notice just how much this boy spends complaining ;) ) But they started doing the hokey-pokey, and you'd better believe I was in there!! I didn't care how old I was!
OOOOOOOOOh the hokey-pokey! some things always stay good...

I dropped Wae Jae back at the flat, then Tess and I headed over to her place for a video, afterwards we had a really great Chat, about God's working in our lives, the miracles the revelations, it was really really wonderful.

I had to park my car down the road, which meant that when I came out at 1am it was well and truely dark, and the chill was so heavy in the air I was freezing, and terrified when I'm completely honest.
The area isn't known for being real safe, so I was really scared, as I walked down the road, my gut clenched so tightly, praying and reciting the verse "For God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of POWER and of Love and of a SOUND MIND". I gripped my keys tightly in my hand holding them between my fingers as Matt had shown me incase someone did 'have a go' I was praying in tongues as I fumbled with the Lock and finally got the door open, sat down and immediately locked the door beside me. The windscreen was iced over, I managed to squirt enough water form the wipers to get a little circle of clear windscreen, I drove the whole way home, with incredibly impressive posture as I peeked through this little circle of clear windscreen, praying, praying that God would get me back ok.

I arrived safely, as I stepped out of the car and began to walk across the grass, I was just blown away by the beauty which surrounded me, there was soft ice everywhere lightly coating the grass and with the small amount of light which reflected it, everywhere around me it sparkled and shimmered, it was as though glitter had been sprinkled upon everything. As I took a deep breath in (and managed to get a brain freeze) I looked up at the sky - it was a perfect night, stars sprinkling, so clear...absolutely beautiful.

I managed to get into my room, fell to my knee's and just wept and whispered prayers of thanks, I had been so scared in that street, moved on to worried as I navigated my way home through the frosted windscreen, and finally ended with absolute awe as I was to behold the beautiful wooing God had left for me upon the lawn of my flat.

God truely is a wonderful wonderful lover, he blows my mind and I am so grateful that he loves me, truely truely loves me.

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