Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Back in the Armi...
I rushed back sunday in the hope that I could have at least the afternoon to settle in only to discover on monday, that due to the royal screw-up with the timetables classes won't be starting untill Thursday, to say ecstatic would probably be an understatement. So the last few days have been spent catching up with the Armi crew. Went out to dinner sunday night with Tess, Wae-Jae, and Laura. Then after bumping my phone and accidentally ringing Rhen I foiled her plan to surprise everyone on her return to Armidale, so we headed out to lunch as soon as she arrived. Which very quickly expanded to cover most of the afternoon untill finally we decided to grab some supplies and cook up dinner. Headed to coles, bumped into Erin at the check-out, a few rows down, bumped into Laura again, invited them both - busy unfortunately. Upon arriving back at my flat we realised just how much food we'd bought, decided to ring the biggest eater we knew - Wae Jae Tan! :D
So long as there was food, he was there. Had an absolutely fabulous night!!
Upon arriving back in the dale this year, in all honestly I was apprehensive, I was moving into a new flat with completely new people, starting new classes with no one I knew, a heap of my buds had moved away to get married and such [okay, so I'm exaggerating, but at least 3 have moved away to get married.
My fear was that this may have been a lonely year, but having just come back from Spending the afternoon with Charrissa, and just about to head off to Bible study at Nicks place, I think it will be very much to the contrary.
Rather than being a lonely year, It's going to be an expanding year - a time for new friendships and good times. I've already discovered that I get along incredibly well with my new flatties sam, and one of the others, Scott had me laughing so hard that I nearly wet myself, then Ryan asked to borrow my hair-dryer, which was an interesting question for a bloke with not a hair on his head. Soggy book, needed a dry - made sense once the rest of us stopped ragging him. Great Flat, happy already.
Bumped into Nick today, on his mobile and I was deep in convo with Riss, so we only had time to chuck a smile at each other. Happy to say that all the emotional garbage has been sorted with everything going in the correctly coloured bins. Still a great bloke, but a better friend.
To back track somewhat, Belle and I ended up getting delayed on our flight back from Melbourne to Newcastle, due to the storms, so we didn't get in untill around 9:30pm. But our final day in Melbs was fantastic, hung out with Bec, Burkie and Sammy in St Kilda, ended up raining the whole day, which killed belle and my plans to ride something fast and swingy, so instead the mob of us bummed about the place, amusing ourselves. Burks soaked himself in the rain trying to hail a taxi, highly amusing. Twas great to see Bec again, growing fonder and fonder of her each time I see her. [Burks already knows I can't get enough of him ;) ] Sammy-Sammy, what a star - lovely, funny gal.
Friday night, this feels like going back weeks now. The night before St Kilda, Belle and I had a bit of a bash at My aunts. The family were all out, so we had run of the house. Paul, Den and Cathy popped round. Paul was running late, so we had a game of pool, Den and Belle Vs Cathy and I. Was hilarious, Cathy and I made the worlds worst team, we're sure of it - Den actually had some skill, so he helped Belle whack the white ball around the place and land some rather impressive shots. Cathy and I just spend the whole time cheering if we even managed to hit something, plus I'm pretty sure there was some ragging of team mates and pretending to know what we were doing. That girl had me in hysterics.
Paul arrived, and the second he hit the couch, he grabbed the guitar and started fiddling. liked that. The clan of us sat chatting for a while, watching bits and pieces of Star Wars [Oldies of course, I won't go anywhere near the new ones] before Cath and Den had to get going. Belle choofled off to the computer not long after and so finally after something close to 2 and a half years, Paul and I had our real-life D&m, and in all honesty, it was fantastic! I seriously love Paul, he is a great friend and brother, and I find so much encouragement in his presence. By the time he left, at the risk of ruining his reputation, he didn't resist the hug at all. I still remember what Paul said last year "Our real life friendship just needs some more practice, thats all" Practise is definitely a good thing, and we WILL be doing it more- I definitely want to get inside his head again soon, there really isn't any conversation like the ones shared face-to-face. priceless.
Aunty Jan has already started emailing me teaching positions available in Melbourne, though I'm not entirely convinced I'll end up there. I've decided that I'll leave the option open and allow myself to consider it. But really...who knows where I'll end up. Only time will tell.
Actually thinking that I might head home for a nap, was up till 4am chatting to Belle on the phone this morning, thats how much I can't get enough of the girl. sincerely though, I'm missing her already, has been a great trip and we've both matured enormously, we get each other better and we respect and appreciate and definitely honour one another with the honesty which can be tough sometimes, but in the long run makes our friendship stronger.
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Melbourne tid-bits [with piccies!]

The Octopus, as Belle and I stood in line - the oldest people waiting. Belle Nearly didn't make the height cut off...we're talking inches people, mere inches.

On the octopus, nothing like some immaturity to lighten your day. I ammused myself by only screaming while the ride was slowing at the start and at the finish. Then chucked in some screaming once it had come to a complete stand still - Belle gave me the look of "I'm so not taking you out in public again" and for a moment I actually believed her, before she shifted her attentions to trying to open the safety cage before the guy came to do it himself. I was pleading with her to stop, I didn't want it to be revealed that it was a simple task and anyone could do it, or else the next ride I was on all I would be thinking was "One flick anf this thing could come flying off".
Currently I'm reading "Memoirs of a Geisha" I'm such a dork that if there's a movie based on a book I always want to read the book before I see the film. This was Belle and I hunting down Bec in Dymocks book store [of course it was the wrong one ;) country hicks we are] failing that we started amusing ourselves with the books instead.
Hanging with some gushies, [L-R] Mwah, Burkie, Bella [at back] James and Cathy. Fun night.
Belle, myself and Bec at Essendon Baptist. We met up with Paul and Trav too, but we all know how Paul feels about Piccies of himself on th internet. So they got the chop from this one.
Don't ask me why I'm smiling like that, instead say this. "Gosh! Your so retarded!". Me and my gilr Belle.
Toodles for now :D
Meetings of the Victorian Variety.
here I sit at nearly 3 in the morning, Having arrived back at Auntie Jans around half an hour ago.
This evening, Belle and I spent the night in the company of Burkie, Luke[prowdy], Cathy and James. Delightful.
Cathy picked us up from Keilor and together we hit the road in our attempt to find 'Lazy Joes' lets just say that we decided to knick-name the trip 'the adventure' and by the time we arrived we were a little over half an hour late [fashionably of course] Burks and prowdy already having secured a table.
It was fun. Cathy was Chatty and adorable, Burks ammused me as usual with our mock fights and belles hesitation to have us sitting side by side. We restrained ourselves and no one walked away with a broken jaw, which was kinda nice. Luke hummed as he ate, which was rather hilarious really - such a lovely guy.
After the absolutely ginormous meal, which I'm so shamed to say, I only managed to get halfway through, [I hate to think of how much food gets wasted at that place] we headed back to Cathys place, where James was waiting.
Grabbed a DVD - Napoleon Dynamite and some Cadbury cream eggs [ Cathy ya Nutter] and headed back.
I think Dynamite was funnier the second time around. The first time I had seen it with Matty and we'd both had no idea what to expect, this time I knew, and I think I was able to enjoy it more instead of waiting for some sort of climax. Again I ended up next to Burkie on the couch and yes I heard him sigh in dissapointment. There were some elbows to the ribs over the course of the movie, the revelation of more after the final credits [I never knew that, good job Burks!] and then the Burkie- joint- cracking symphony - I still say 'ouch'.
The rest of the night was pretty much sitting around chatting, watching the winter Olympics, Belle desperately hoping to see some skiers face plant, or crash into walls. The funny thing is that hearing belle crack up at the footage is generally what gets me going - once she's laughing I can't help but join in.
The evening unofficially ended in photo's and the invitation for Cathy and James [and dare I say Burkie] to come and stay in Forster some time, if they're ever in the mood. Officially The night ended with Burks driving Belle and I back to my Aunts place, which was appreciated unbelieveably - thankyou so much for that, it was out of your way and you even got out of the car to give us a hug - whatta guy huh!
I enjoyed the evening thoroughly and couldn't help feeling slightly deflated once we'd walked in the door at my Aunts, just one more reminder that we head back to New South Wales in only a few short days. The gush buddies experience has, yet again, been fantastic. As always it was a pleasure to see and chat with Cath, Jim and Burks. Amazing people.
Plus add to that, Sunday night Belle and I had the pleasure of spending the night service at Essendon Baptist in the company of Bec, Paul, Trav and Jess [all gushers also]. First thing Bec said to me was "Oh, your suppose to be taller" which ammused me highly and from that second on I knew it was going to be a great night. Bec was so very easy to get along with, not at all how I thought it would be [that sounds bad, but it's not meant to] For so long I'd had this message coming through that she was introverted and shy, rather I felt her personality was to the contrary - she was highly chatty and entertaining. I had a wonderful time talking and laughing.
When we first arrived at the Baps hall paul had looked fairly busy so we didn't distract him from his business. It was after the service that we had a chance to chat more. More than anything I'd really love to sit down and have a good ol' chin-wag with my friend Paul, and for the second year running, it doesn't look as though it's going to be able to happen. I appreciate him as a brother so deeply, and as lame as many people may view his humour, he rarely fails to make me laugh. We really didn't have a chance to talk that night, which was slightly dissapointing. But as the conversation whirled around us, I felt the moment as we smiled at each other, we both 'got it' and knew that although we hadn't chatted properly in a while that mutual appreciation was still there. I love Paulio so much. As we said our farewells we had a few hugs and well wishes. [Bec for someone who says she doesn't give hugs often, you give a great hug] As I came at Paul for a hug I could hear him begin to mumble "...er...please don't...." but before he had a chance I'd already grabbed him, as much as he'd hate to admit it he was smiling, and he even chucked a bit of a half-hearted arm into the mix. So I got one of those ellusive Paul Hugs. He then went on to share with me, the stance for hug avoidance, which was so Paul it was classic...a theory for everything :P
Tomorrow it looks as though we'll be catching up with Jess, and possibly Trav on Thursday.
This trip has been fantastic. The people have been fantastic.
I find myself at one of those places again, where I just feel so incredibly humbled for the opportunity to spend time in the company of such great people. And as Belle said last night as we shared an amazing D&M [the ones I adore with her] "We know them because of God...how cool is that!"
Yeah that is cool.
Here's to hoping that we have the opportunity to spend more time with you all over the years.
I'm absolutely knackered...Bed, I'm so there!
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Belle woke this morning feeling not so flash, so we decided to cool it and slum about the house for the day. not a whole lot to report on really, bit my lip when I sneezed [annoying!!] thats what I get I suppose for attempting to suppress it :P.
Had a game of pool with myself, I still suck...but I won - so I really can't complain ;)
Feeling one heck of a lot better this evening, no sign of the mopey, melancholy version of myself which has been chasing me about over the last day or two. I think I established where it really came from to begin with.
Belle and I had sat up chatting about singleness, and the whole love-hate struggle we find ourselves in regards to it. The chat itself was fantastic, I love these sorts of conversations with Belle, she's a wise and beautiful woman whom I know I am blessed to spend such moments with.
Ultimately the discussion really opened up some understanding and helped tie us closer to one anothers current standings.
It was afterwards that the issue lay. I pondered over the whole deal for the rest of the evening, and really let it stick me right where it hurt. Almost this taunting at lonliness. And there I sat again, at that place where being single really doesn't make you want to shout it from the rooftops, you'd rather be outta there quick smart.
So I've decided [this is dead set obvious, but call me a slow learner] that letting it simmer really isn't a great idea. and so I'm doing my best.
I'm still not doing the happy dance over it all...but I'm laughing and smiling. It isn't all bad :) just some days are better than others.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Victorian thinkings.
The rest of the day was spent basically settling into life in the house, I love my Aunt Jan, she a beautiful, amazing woman who I adore spending time with.
However as exciting as it is to be here in Melbs, I'm feeling a touch melancholy this evening [ or should I say morning ;)] I received a phone call from a good friend of mine tonight, and we chatted about some of the issues she's dealing with - they're fairly big obstacles at the moment, which then meant that it forced me to look at some of those same obstacles being mirrored in my own life.
I'm not really sure where I'm at tonight. I have this tight feeling in my stomach, this not so pleasant clenching and when I really think about it, I know exactly why. To be frank, I don't think I have the clarity to explain it here without sounding a fool or being misunderstood a million times over.
My heart is being challenged in areas which have left me wondering. It's never easy to decide that something requires more of you than you thought you would have to give. Right now, I apologise, because I won't expand on that, perhaps another time I will.
I caught up on a few blogs this evening. Thankyou Bec, your words are so wise, and I can relate to the shifts which happen as you ponder logic.
These blogs added somewhat to the churnings, after all the initial churnings were based around such general areas.
Chatted to God about it all while having a shower. I didn't make sense to myself, but I'm fairly confident he knew where I was coming from. Since then I've decided to cheer up. When I do worry, to talk things through with the big guy. He brings peace to a troubled mind, even if the troubled mind makes no real sense. :P
Tis all good.
[feeling better already]
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
The Generational Gap.

The truth's out! Dad had a fro and my mum was a hippie.
and the gorgeous couple today...

Mum will be 50 this year. Gosh I hope I age as well as she is....as I always say "Couldn't possibly be a day over 25..." Brown-nosing will get you everywhere. But in all honesty, Geez she's a beautiful, classy lady!
Pappa-Hog - the fro was so unexpected since the whole mob of us have gotten so used to the no hair thing. But he's a handsome man in my opinion.
Mum and Dad will be celebrating their 29th Anniversary this year. Whooo! they're the greatest love story I've had the joy to watch! Love the two little raggamuffins :D
He's pretty up to speed when it comes to computers, or most things technical. However dump him on the internet and he has little to no clue.
I was just about to jump in the shower when I heard dad wailing "JEEEEESSS!" frantically I came racing out, not sure exactly what I would be confronted with. Bit of an anticlimax really. There he sat with this ridiculous attempt at puppy dog eyes as he complained that he couldn't remember his hotmail account details. haha...he's too cute sometimes. After around 5 minutes of shuffling letters we worked it out.
I absolutely adore my parents, my family. But there's nearly always one parent who you seem a little bit more like. For majority of my life people would say that Matt looked like Dad, while Kate looked like Mum and I was somewhere in between. In actual fact I think truth be told. Matt does look like dad, while Kate had the personality of Mum and I shared my personality with my Dad. We are very different, my dad and I, but our sense of humour and annoying eternal optimist tendencies mean that we generally get along really well.
so this evening I am dedicating this blog entry to some of my finest memories with my dad.
Lets begin shall we with the tale of the blue-tongue beside the fridge.
We never knew exactly when it arrived there, just one day Matt noticed the lizard sitting back about 2 feet, between the fridge and the wall. The idea was that it would remove itself in the same way it had applied itself to life within the house.
The whole family was walking fairly lightly, rarely teetering near the fridge for very long. That was untill one morning when dad came down for a glass of milk. Having the filled the glass, he closed the door, and obviously having forgotten completely about the lizard he stood leaning against it as he drank. Not being able to restrain myself in this moment of his weakness. I suddenly screeched full throttle "THE LIZARD!"
Dads reaction was more than I could have hoped for, he lept at least a metre in the air spraying all the milk out of his mouth as he emptied the entire contents of his glass across the kitchen floor and benches, before slumping in a gasping heap in the furthest corner from the fridge.
I was in stitches for hours. The vision was too good. Mum didn't laugh so hard when she saw the kitchen. I helped clean.
Then there was the week mum headed to sydney and left Dad and myself to fend for ourselves. We handled fairly well. This was a while back now, back into my vegetarian days. The dogs were given chicken necks for dinner, which are absolutely revolting in their sliminess. For the entire week I had been feeding them, and I would use my hands to dump the chicken necks into their bowls. One night I was cooking, so dad fed the dogs. I nearly spat my drink everywhere from laughing as I walked into the laundry to see dad, wearing gloves, an apron, pinching his nose and wincing as he used the tongs to divide the chicken necks into the dogs bowls... I think I called him something along the lines of A "weak little man" which he still quotes me on.
That same week Dad headed out to soccer, upon his return at around 9:30pm he came and stood before me in the loungeroom with this strange grin on his face. As I looked at him quickly I asked "Why are there big bags under your eyes?" untill i stood suddenly realising that the white sections of his uniform were no longer white, rather they were entirely red...Blood!
Apparantly as Dad went in to head a ball, another bloke went in with the same intention. The other guy being a giant in comparison to my dad, meaning that this guys entire body weight game down on dads head. Dad was knocked unconcious for around 2 minutes as his optometrist team-buddy attempted to reduce the bleeding, by sticking his hand in [yes I said 'in'...apparantly there was a fair bit of skull showing] Dads buddy still jokes that he's surprised he didn't pass out, as there generally isn't a whole heap of blood involved in optometry.
Dad ended up being taken to the hospital and getting stitches.
He decided to head off to the shower. All I kept thinking was that if he's concussed he could very possibly pass out in the shower, so I managed to convince him to leave the door unlocked and I'd sit listening for any suspicious thumps on the bathroom floor. I couldn't imagine anything more unsettling than having to sort out your naked unconcious father. psychologivclly scarring...very possibly - needless to say I spent the whole time praying.
The next day, in a huge amount of pain, at 6pm dad starting dragging himself out of bed, with the intention of going to play volleyball with his team. To my absolute horror, he wouldn't listen. The only way I managed to stop him was through the bribing of Chocolate, Coffee milk and a movie. He's an incredibly stubborn man when he wants to be.
Then theres the way Dad used to get us to call mum "Mother dear darling ducks" if we were trying to brown-nose.
Since I can remember he's always called us kids 'Hogs' and in return we call him 'Pappa Hog'. Once when a friend was over they were absolutely perplexed, before asking "As in Pigs" to which we all looked at each other smiling and said "We're Braybrooks....Hogs fits" :P my family makes me laugh like no other.
And finally, I decided to end this with a poem I found. For fathers-day when I was a kid I wrote this little dedication to my dad, printed it off and framed it for him. I found it today as I popped in to surprise Dad for lunch - he wasn't there, but one of the other women in the office spotted me eyeing off the frame in ammusement and came over to say, "Your fathers so proud of that, sometimes he reads it, and you can see the tears in his eyes".
I'm hoping that the tears are of the joyful variety and not because it's as lame as I thought it was as I read it again.
But the sentiment is still the same. I love him so so much. Thats the joy of getting older. My family are no longer simply my family, they've become some of my best friends in the world.
For sixteen years you've been my dad,
My knight in shining armour,
My understanding friend,
My personal leaning post,
Someone to relly on.
I don't really remember the first years of life
But I like to think I made it
Without putting you through too much strife,
So I want to thank you dad,
For being my mentor,
My own personal legend,
A helping hand,
But most of all for being my friend.
A constant source of love, trust and affection.
Because of you my lifes light shines that little bit brighter,
And I wouldn't change a thing,
For I know that I am a better person,
Just for knowing you.
Monday, February 06, 2006
Early Morning MSN.
a conversation I had with a dear friend, this morning on MSN.
through a cut and paste and some puntuation editing to add a flow of sorts I pasted it into here. If your interested in my 2am ponderings, here they are. It still is a little choppy, due to the fact I removed all speech by my friend
[I wasn't sure whether she would mind being identified...it's safer this way ;) .]However I think generally it does make sense, at least I hope you can put it together.
[I hope that you don't see it as me preaching, because I am not a preacher - I wanted to share this here, because it's impacted me hugely. If it can offer the same to you, well... God is always Good.]
I was having the worst Ugga day today, seriously didn't want to go anywhere, just lug around the place in tracky dacks screwing my face up and averting my eyes whenever I passed a mirror.
But of course there was church and of course because I really didn't want to go it ended up being fantastic. One of those services where one line hits you, and carries you through the whole day and then some, one of those big light bulb moments.
my issue at the moment was that I've been trying to push my relationship with Christ along..wanting to go in deeper, harder, face the challenges and the growth.
But then today Darryll [pastor] says this.
"The higher the level you go, the tougher and stronger the demons. God is not going to allow you to move up a level untill you've defeated and overcome the devils on the level your on, because if you can't defeat those ones you don't stand a chance we the next ones up, and if we choose, we will defeat them, because Christ has already won!"
yeah. got me thinking
stop trying to get 'there', be here now, be focused now. And be ready to fight now.
coz it really is a big cycle. we overcome the enemy, he falls onto his face and we're standing over him, we stand on his back, and we're higher than him, then God grabs our hand and pulls us up to the next level and we start it all again.
I thought about David and the lion and the bear and then Goliath
God didn't give him Goliath to defeat first, he gave him the lion, and he said, "Trust me child"
david defeated the lion.
then God gave him the bear. THEN once David had defeated the bear...he defeated Goliath, each time stepping it up that level.
But the only way he was able to do that was because between those victories and during those times of battle, he found that place, that secret place with God and he dwelt there, and grew in strength.
I was reading about the battle's David fought, the bear the lion and Goliath, and the thing I noticed was that with the Lion and the bear, Davids first levels, he sort of stood there, and just defended himself. but by the time he got to Goliath...by that time he had spent so much time in the presence of God, God had armed him with his word, with his promises, that when he came to Goliath, he no longer just stood there and defended himself, the bible says that David Ran at Goliath!
thats huge!
thats courage!
and the more I thought about it the more I know, the only reason David could run at Goliath was because of the quiet times he had spent with God. Those quiet times meant that he had heard from God, they had conversed, and he knew that God said to him. "Go, follow the leads I give to you, for I have a future and a plan for you, if your trusting me, you WILL NOT be consumed this day."
And David was able to say, "Even if I do die today, I know that I shall not be consumed, for my God IS God and he IS faithful.
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Heres Wae jae and Myself right after the official signing; the past and present owners together [ get your copy today!]
On our way home we stopped off at all sorts of little places as Dad chased his hobby of photography. I enjoyed trecking around with him as he persued his art. One of our stops was at a quaint little church at Gostwyck. I think by the end of the visit I'd decided that it was the sort of place I'd like to get married. Small, cosy - seats around 150. I've always wanted a small wedding.

Beautiful Collision
So the easiest thing would be for me to share with you a journal entry.
..::Lakeside Cafe: Forster, Saturday the 4th of february, 2006.
Today happened, today rolled around once more and here I sit at the end of it, even more humbled that I was as it was birthed.
Today we travelled back to Armidale for the official hand-over of the car. Wae Jae was ecstatic, and I never expected him to be any different. I had the pleasure of riding around town as his passenger in order to show him the ropes.
As we headed past the PLC, I was stoked to spot Felicity and Tess. We gave them a lift to their destination, I couldn't believe how fantastic it was to see them. The mob of us chatting and laughing as we caught up on the last month of life.
After signing all the rego/ownership papers, we grabbed Mum& Dad and headed down to Koorong.
During the trip to Armi Mum had been my passenger, while Dad drove up front in his car. I absolutely adore these moments with my mum - 3 and a half hours is more than enough time to cover about a million different topics of conversation, ranging from the mundane, right through to the hilarious and the deep & passionate. I had shared with mum my inspiration through the meeting of 'Big Dave' at my church. His testimony is truely amazing. He has lived a tough life and to look at he strikes fear to the heart of you; 40-something, tatooed, shaven headed biker. However you do not have to talk to him for long before you realise that he is an undoubtedly beautiful man - seriously hardcore.
As we walked into Koorong, I was impressed when Mum turned to me and asked "Jess, is that 'Big Dave?"
As I turned I heard the low Bellow of "Jessie, My Darlin'" as I was confronted with the glowing, huge grin of Dave.
He got along famously with my Dad and they could nearly have been brothers with their matching bald heads, beards and contageous, hearty laughs.
As I watched my two worlds merging, I was in heaven. Life is Glorious.
Majority of the trip home I was fairly quiet. The scenery on the journey has always been beautiful, but today it truely took my breathe away.
I was completely struck by the fact that I am of this earth in so many ways. I mess up, I find myself doing the things I hate, I catch myself being someone I don't want to be, more often than I would want to admit. Then I look to Christ and see him as he is; the darling, the worth of heaven; and I can feel the burn of my desperation to be holy as he is. yet the harder I'm trying the more I realise how hopeless this earth has become, I feel the weight of our fall.
"When our depravity meets His divinity it is a beautiful collision." - David Crowder
I felt that today, from the time spent with great friends, to joking around with mum as we joined forces to tease dad and finally, mucking around with Matt [bro] in the kitchen - laughing till my stomach was aching. I felt that collision.
Yes I do mess up, yes I am reminded everyday of my inferiority, but with Christ filling me, he makes miracles happen, he pours out his blessings and his love, regardless of my lackings. There truely is nothing like this life and I wouldn't want God anywhere else, than here *taps heart* and here *taps head*
Embrace life, make that choice, because your blunderings and mistakes will never disqualify you from the blessings of Christ. Only one thing will, your failure to trust him - so trust!
Be blessed, radiant brothers and sisters.
Friday, February 03, 2006
Catching a reflection in the Car
Tomorrow I farewell Emerelda; my faithful white commodore.
I spent the day giving the old girl a good clean, buff and polish. I'd nearly forgotten how hard I had to rev to get her moving. Polishing the car actually gave me a moment to reminisce about all the good times. *sigh*
Sounds kinda sad doesn't it, dedicating a blog entry to my car - but I'm telling you, that’s the type of strange things I do, pretty much on a daily basis.
As I began to polish the car to a radiant glow I came across, one by one all the knicks and bumps, each carrying their own story and each only adding to character of my beloved little Bruum-bruum.
There is the scratch up the drivers side door[now beautifully disguised by touch up paint] from the time the garage jumped out of nowhere, wedging Emerelda between one wall and mums car. I can remember Kate and my panic as we were desperately trying to figure out how the hell we were going to get the car out, without creating a matching dint on mums car. We ended up praying and the big dude popped us out of there without too much damage, but more to the point, without putting one scratch on mums car.
As I made my way around the car I began to buff the boot, before a smile raised my cheeks. That dink on the butt guard, as Bec and I used to call it. I had stayed the weekend at Becs place in Inverell, man it had been a hoot. So, packed and ready to go, Bec had conveniently parked her little bomb behind mine. Since the house was in front, it meant I had to reverse round her car then halfway down the driveway. Which I did with precision ;) Spotting the all clear I gave Bec and trev a wave and a hoot, when suddenly Becs dog shot out behind me, I swerved and braked right into their ornamental rock. Which was situated right in the middle of the otherwise naked yard. I'm still completely confused about why it was there in the first place - but the whole scene was so completely 'Funniest home videos's" I just laughed hysterically. Trev had been wearing his look of "I SO have to laugh, but I'd better not" however once I started everyone was in hysterics.
As I moved the car forward I remember asking Bec to tell me if anything fell off, to which she hollered, “nope she's all good, just a little dink.” The boot never did close completely again.
We still laugh about that one, apparantly before me, her uncle had backed into that rock, and after me her dad did. So the rock is no more, and the yard is once again barren.
Having finished polishing the car, I opened the door and blonked myself down in the passenger seat to give the inside a good clean. She was pretty spotless, so all it needed was a good wipe over all the surfaces and the removal of some of my bits and pieces. The Necklace Rea had left the last time she'd visited, hanging from the passenger visor; Ree's in the States now, so I left it there to remind me to pop her aprayer whenever I saw it - I remember the first time Donna had seen it and immediately thought they were Rossary beads and was preparing to explain that If that was the case, I was attending the wrong church - until she realised, to which I had to ask why she was laughing. The matching butterfly and angel, Belle also has in her car – which usually remind me of our antics in the mosh pit, or pretty much anywhere we can laugh uncontrollably at each other. I actually nearly forgot the last one, however just as I was about to close the door I spotted them, scattered across the roof inside the car. Heading out on a bit of a trip with the girls, Kate was feeling rather bored, so I tossed her the closest thing I could find, a packet of craft stars. She spent the rest of the trip sticking them to the roof – they never left. Well they never left until today. I adore remembering my girls, they’ll have to add their charms to the new car, and no I don’t mean leave all your macca’s wrappers and try to flog them off as charms!! ;) Oh yeah, I know you all too well.
Tomorrow I drive her up to Armidale, for her new home will be in the residence of my very dear friend Wae Jae. I do not doubt that he will make an awesome father, he's pretty stoked and ready to be a dad to my darling Emerelda.
Alot of Butts have graced her seats. She has been fantastic, part of my personal Ministry. I look forward to the things I shall do with my new beast. Of which I am still hunting for a name.
Farewell Emerelda, may you find happiness in the grip of another – for you will always hold a special place in my rev-head [which is, unfortunately for her, only rather small].
Tonight I shall leave you with one of my favourite Matt [bro] quotes, talking about the importance of choosing a name for your car. Be inspired people, be inspired. I know I am
"Choosing the name of your car is incredibly important, people often don't realise. But a car needs a strong name, it needs a fighting name, a name which instills fear into every other car it ever sits beside at the traffic lights...and that my friend is why I call mine "Emily"" - Matty the Wise.
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Yes I screw up. I'm only human. I don't always think the way I should be thinking, I don't always act the way I should be acting.
But I ask you, please if you see me, don't make me feel inferior, don't judge me. Instead encourage me to be the best I can be. I'll never be perfect, but the last thing anyone ever needs is to feel like an ant someones trying to crush beneath their shoed foot.
I don't want to judge you, I don't want to ever make you feel as though your inferior, because your not. I try to understand you, I sincerely do, I try to take into consideration that you may not always say things the way you wanted to, you never say everything which bounces around in that head of yours. So it would be too easy for me to think that you spend too much time considering certain aspects of your life. Yet if I headed into your head for even just one day, I would realise that there is so much more going on in there than I could ever currently give you credit for.
I want to give you credit for being the dynamic person you are. I hope that I do. I hope that you would return the favour. There is more to me than you will most probably ever see.
sorry about the down-and-out sort of style of the last few posts. In all honesty I'm not actually in a foul mood, in fact I'm in a great mood. My bro celebrated his 23rd Birthday today and we had an awesome time playing and hanging out around the place.
I just felt as though I needed to say this.
I'll post some lighter stuff soon.
This place used to be a bit more fun that this. Lets re-awaken that hey ;)
Feeling it tonight.
Night is usually when that lonliness creeps upon me.
Here I am again by myself in this room, and I stare at the ceiling like the others. The door closed, the light off, the window open, the blinds shudder from the cold. Empty walls are all staring at me while the faces in the frames look away. The rain kisses the screen and then shatters and falls And there's something familiar about that.
I can't get away from myself And I'm wondering where you are now. Seems like everyone else has the someone they need And there's an odd number of people like me, But this can't be, because I believe In something better than love.
Here I am again by myself in this room, There's no other place I can surface, My insides want out but the outsides want in, And the mirror is my window to the world. Pictures of dreams are the words That I finally found tonight. If I could show them to you Would you recognized the scene? I know that i may be lonely But am I ever alone? Seems like everyone else has the someone they need And there's an odd number of people like me, But this can't be, because I believe In something better than love.
Every part of me feels it tonight - Alone to the tips of my fingers, But it all goes away when the sun comes up So you'll never see this...
[Everyday Sunday - Untitled,Anonymous]
patience, I keep hearing that word, and I know that to be the case. But that really doesn't make it any easier. It just forces me to be more faithful to my king.