Wednesday, February 01, 2006


when do we stop attempting to validate ourselves by looking into the lives and attitudes of others, then [conciously or subconciously] making ourselves appear bigger?

Yes I screw up. I'm only human. I don't always think the way I should be thinking, I don't always act the way I should be acting.
But I ask you, please if you see me, don't make me feel inferior, don't judge me. Instead encourage me to be the best I can be. I'll never be perfect, but the last thing anyone ever needs is to feel like an ant someones trying to crush beneath their shoed foot.

I don't want to judge you, I don't want to ever make you feel as though your inferior, because your not. I try to understand you, I sincerely do, I try to take into consideration that you may not always say things the way you wanted to, you never say everything which bounces around in that head of yours. So it would be too easy for me to think that you spend too much time considering certain aspects of your life. Yet if I headed into your head for even just one day, I would realise that there is so much more going on in there than I could ever currently give you credit for.
I want to give you credit for being the dynamic person you are. I hope that I do. I hope that you would return the favour. There is more to me than you will most probably ever see.

sorry about the down-and-out sort of style of the last few posts. In all honesty I'm not actually in a foul mood, in fact I'm in a great mood. My bro celebrated his 23rd Birthday today and we had an awesome time playing and hanging out around the place.
I just felt as though I needed to say this.
I'll post some lighter stuff soon.
This place used to be a bit more fun that this. Lets re-awaken that hey ;)

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