Friday, February 03, 2006

Catching a reflection in the Car

Tomorrow I make the treck to Armidale. Alas Uni season has not yet begun. Rather I find myself within my second home for other reasons.
Tomorrow I farewell Emerelda; my faithful white commodore.

I spent the day giving the old girl a good clean, buff and polish. I'd nearly forgotten how hard I had to rev to get her moving. Polishing the car actually gave me a moment to reminisce about all the good times. *sigh*

Sounds kinda sad doesn't it, dedicating a blog entry to my car - but I'm telling you, that’s the type of strange things I do, pretty much on a daily basis.
As I began to polish the car to a radiant glow I came across, one by one all the knicks and bumps, each carrying their own story and each only adding to character of my beloved little Bruum-bruum.
There is the scratch up the drivers side door[now beautifully disguised by touch up paint] from the time the garage jumped out of nowhere, wedging Emerelda between one wall and mums car. I can remember Kate and my panic as we were desperately trying to figure out how the hell we were going to get the car out, without creating a matching dint on mums car. We ended up praying and the big dude popped us out of there without too much damage, but more to the point, without putting one scratch on mums car.
As I made my way around the car I began to buff the boot, before a smile raised my cheeks. That dink on the butt guard, as Bec and I used to call it. I had stayed the weekend at Becs place in Inverell, man it had been a hoot. So, packed and ready to go, Bec had conveniently parked her little bomb behind mine. Since the house was in front, it meant I had to reverse round her car then halfway down the driveway. Which I did with precision ;) Spotting the all clear I gave Bec and trev a wave and a hoot, when suddenly Becs dog shot out behind me, I swerved and braked right into their ornamental rock. Which was situated right in the middle of the otherwise naked yard. I'm still completely confused about why it was there in the first place - but the whole scene was so completely 'Funniest home videos's" I just laughed hysterically. Trev had been wearing his look of "I SO have to laugh, but I'd better not" however once I started everyone was in hysterics.
As I moved the car forward I remember asking Bec to tell me if anything fell off, to which she hollered, “nope she's all good, just a little dink.” The boot never did close completely again.
We still laugh about that one, apparantly before me, her uncle had backed into that rock, and after me her dad did. So the rock is no more, and the yard is once again barren.

Having finished polishing the car, I opened the door and blonked myself down in the passenger seat to give the inside a good clean. She was pretty spotless, so all it needed was a good wipe over all the surfaces and the removal of some of my bits and pieces. The Necklace Rea had left the last time she'd visited, hanging from the passenger visor; Ree's in the States now, so I left it there to remind me to pop her aprayer whenever I saw it - I remember the first time Donna had seen it and immediately thought they were Rossary beads and was preparing to explain that If that was the case, I was attending the wrong church - until she realised, to which I had to ask why she was laughing. The matching butterfly and angel, Belle also has in her car – which usually remind me of our antics in the mosh pit, or pretty much anywhere we can laugh uncontrollably at each other. I actually nearly forgot the last one, however just as I was about to close the door I spotted them, scattered across the roof inside the car. Heading out on a bit of a trip with the girls, Kate was feeling rather bored, so I tossed her the closest thing I could find, a packet of craft stars. She spent the rest of the trip sticking them to the roof – they never left. Well they never left until today. I adore remembering my girls, they’ll have to add their charms to the new car, and no I don’t mean leave all your macca’s wrappers and try to flog them off as charms!! ;) Oh yeah, I know you all too well.

Tomorrow I drive her up to Armidale, for her new home will be in the residence of my very dear friend Wae Jae. I do not doubt that he will make an awesome father, he's pretty stoked and ready to be a dad to my darling Emerelda.

Alot of Butts have graced her seats. She has been fantastic, part of my personal Ministry. I look forward to the things I shall do with my new beast. Of which I am still hunting for a name.

Farewell Emerelda, may you find happiness in the grip of another – for you will always hold a special place in my rev-head [which is, unfortunately for her, only rather small].

Tonight I shall leave you with one of my favourite Matt [bro] quotes, talking about the importance of choosing a name for your car. Be inspired people, be inspired. I know I am
"Choosing the name of your car is incredibly important, people often don't realise. But a car needs a strong name, it needs a fighting name, a name which instills fear into every other car it ever sits beside at the traffic lights...and that my friend is why I call mine "Emily"" - Matty the Wise.

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