Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Gosh I love a good bargain!
And as I was shuffling through the reduced bucket at Sportsgirl I managed to snaffle a gooden. $2.95 for this little number.

I'm not a huge hat person, but this was just too cute, and too cheap to pass up.

Also, to make me even happier, apparantly it was supposed to be $7.95, but someone must have labelled it incorrectly, and thus they had to give it to me for the advised price :D :D

bargains make me so happy!!

[Had a quick look through my wardrobe today and realised I haven't paid full price for anything in there...Oh yes, I know how to bargain shop, wanna learn the tricks then you should hit the shops with me sometime ;) ]


Bella said...

Love it! It's just like the pinky/orange one I scored off you ages ago. Lovin it. Man, I haven't worn it in aaaages.....

Well, apart from just then when I went into my room and put it on. Decided it needs long hair to go with it cause I look like a cancer patient unfortunately.

See you soon my dear
B xx

Felicity said...

Gorgeous photos. Who is the talented photographer (not to mention the lovely girl)?