Monday, May 21, 2007

The Cold Season

I made a couple of new best friends over the weekend.

Since I've started working casually for the Western Autistic School, as an emergency teacher I find myself waking at 7am every single morning. On a normal weekday I can expect a 7:15am wake-up call from Jaqueline if I am needed for the day. My body clock has adjusted and I now find myself lying awake from 7am onwards waiting expectantly for a call. Friday just gone was no exception, I awoke and lay in bed waiting. and Waited, and waited. Alas no call came. Almost joyfully I rolled back over to snuggle back into bed.

I had awoken that morning with a horrible dose of the cold which is being spread like wildfire through every primary school. Kids are constantly coughing and spluttering throughout winter, so really, it's only a matter of time until us teachers manage to catch the attention of a loose germy.

So here I was, feeling sick as a dog when I get a call from Tim. Having heard that I didn't get a call he asked whether I would be able to take his ute out and pick up the pushbikes.

About a fortnight ago, Mum had sent our bikes down with a courier company. They had arrived, we just hadn't had a chance to pick them up. I decided that as sick as I felt, this really was the only opportunity we could have for a while. So I decided to brave it and head over to Tims, pick up his ute and then try and navigate my way across to get the bikes.

First mistake: having decided their was no way I could manage the day without a couple of cold & Flu tablets, I had read the box which said that they were non-drowsy, only to have swallowed the tablets and then read, "May cause some individuals to feel drowsy" - Turns out I was one such individual...Though I didn't actually find that out until I was over in Richmond, in Tims ute, trying to find the blasted Courier company.
Second mistake: I had forgotten my Melways, which meant I was rellying on a printed out 'Whereis" set of directions, which turned out to be useless [or perhaps it was my grogginess which made them so ;)]

Anyway, to cut a long story shorter. After driving around for about an hour, feeling frustrated and annoyed and as though I could konk it any second, I headed back to Tims work. I had every intention of telling him I couldn't do it today. But once I got there, the medication, pain and [where the heck did it come from] emotion got the better of me, and I ended up having a good blubber on his shoulder. After humouring me with some consolling, he handed me his flat keys and sent me to nap at his place for the afternoon.

And so, I spent friday afternoon, snoozing the sinus pain away, with my 3 new besties, perhaps you know them;

Sudafed; Vicks and Kleenex
Before waking up to the flash bulb of a camera.
I'm still fighting off the cold as we speak, having woken with very little voice this morning. But I'm definitely winning, and feeling a heck of a lot better.
One word of warning however. In your rush to hit yourself up with the good ole vitamin C, take my advice and believe me when I say, too much of a good thing may just have you running for the loo. So take it easy ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so here I am assuming the first piccie was posed....then I see the second one and realise infact it was not.
But damn girl, how do you manage to still look cute as, even when you're sick?!!

Loves you,
Bee bee