Thursday, July 07, 2005

Dragging day...

Had one of 'those' days today.
I was working at vaccation care with the kiddly-winks, but this morning I had to head out half an hour earlier in order to get my car to the mechanics for it's rego check, chatted briefly with Bob then headed over to work. WHAT A DAY!

Today involved getting 80 kids on a bus, over to 'Kidspot' - an indoor adventure playground - where they absoultely took over the place (I felt so sorry for the other kids there, our mob go nuts) after their little 'run till they can't walk' session, their excitement had been replaced with crabiness, which made them absolute gems to be around (yeah...right!)
so we headed back over to vaccation care, with ever kid wanting to hang their arms out the bus windows and try to touch the cars, supressing my desire to see if any kids could actually manage to touch a car, I instead sounded like a broken record demanding that the sit with their butts on the seat (simply asking them to sit down often results in kids 'thinking outside the box' - which is highly commendable - and sitting on another childs head, or arm, or get the idea)
so we had the little raggamuffins doing drama, and melted beading, which required me to use an iron to melt the beaded designs the kids had created. Being the exciteable little tikes that they are they often got to close to the iron, and in my attempts to prevent one of them being burnt I managed to burn myself with the iron on at least 3 different occassions - but all the children, I'm proud to say, are completely unscarred.
I had kids hanging all over me, one kid I was having an awesome conversation with, then got overly excited in his speech and managed to send a splattering of saliva across my face, he didn't even notice, I however smiled and quickly excused myself from the scene so I could wipe the drippings from my face. (Overexaggeration perhaps)
I love kids, don't get me wrong, but I was sore and tired and now soaking wet (I know I know...but allow me to be a drama-queen for the sake of effect) so when home-time came I was as excited as a kid is after school.
As I walked towards my car, I realized that it wasn't there, after a moments worth of freak-out time I remembered that it was having it's rego check and that Dad was picking me up today. I waited a good 10 minutes and still no sign of the old man, so I walked my way round the block, figured a bit of exercise wouldn't be a had thing.
gave dad a buzz from the pay-phone (the joys of no mobile credit) and there was no answer, so I decided that must mean if he's not in his office he must be on his way, so I stood waiting.
and waiting
and waiting
at least 40 minutes past, and still no sign of dad, I was considering giving him another 20 minutes before calling him, when a car full of teenage boys rolled past - all of them hollering and whistling, carrying on about giving me the ride of my life and so that moment I marched my way to the phone box and tried dads work again. Perhaps some girls find it flattering to have guys disrespect them in such a way, maybe my short fuse after a long day made me overexaggerate, but I didn't want to deal with them, with myself within the phone box, they got the message and moved along, muttering something about me being a 'tease' which left me with no doubt about where there brains resided, as their sheep were obviously not all in the top paddock. All I had done was stand on a footpath yet somehow I had managed to lead them on - go figure eh!
The woman dad works with answered the phone and daad had already left.
10 minutes later, round the corner came daddio!
picked up my car, headed home...and here I am...tired and a little crabby.
Mum claimed that I was incredibly quiet tonight. I probably am.
Don't really know whats been up with me lately, I've just been feeling a little melancholy, a little sad, a little lonely. I think I'm in a bit of a wandering period, sorting through some 'me' stuff, which is always good.
give me a good nights sleep and I'll be chipper again. Happy to rise to a new day.
looking forward to tomorrow, a day off, house to myself...hmm, sounds good, I've been in the mood to have some solitude.

yes, in my old age I've become a cynical hermit, at least for tomorrow anyway :)

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