Friday, April 22, 2005

The challenge...

I do not believe there is much finer in this life, than having someone challenge you completely.
Tonight I spoke candidly with a friend of mine (Burkie) on MSN. Too often this means of communication is so phony, so 'put-on' that when something honest and challenging emerges from it, tis an incredibly refreshing time.
Tonight I will leave with many things to consider...
The conversation covered the irks of christianity, the way in which too often we spout the typical lines, the same corney, over used and limited lines. Which display our God as this predictable and dull dictator within the lives of man.
I realized that too often I have been one of those christians, too often it has been easier to appear the spiritual genius and regurgitate the words I was fed as a child...But what's real about that?!!
How is that helping anyone? How is that helping me?!
I don't want to sound like a cop-out...I don't want to live a ho-hum life out of fear that this predictable God wouldn't want me to do anything too crazy!

Thats not the God I know!! The God that I want to live for, is wild, he's crazy, he has the whackiest sense of humour I've ever encountered, he's passionate, he's Life...HE IS LIFE!
where is the life in the regurgitated words of the church?!

I want to make the choice, to say it like it be real! after all it's pretty common knowledge that the lost within the word don't need to be patronised by the saints we often seem to portray ourselves as with our spiritual words of christianese...they relate to people sharing joy, passion, purpose and life...

I want to live a faith with a heartbeat! and speak what I know, what I've learnt and whats real in my heart...

If you ever catch me regurgitating...slap me hard! (I'll appreciate it later)

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