Sunday, April 24, 2005

Theres that Whacky sense of humour I love...


you know those weekends when you just feel energized, invigorated and just so damn refreshed!
I just had one of those, as I type this I have just arrived home from church. The sermon tonight was on Praising and worshiping God passionately. And man does our God have the most awesome and quirky sense of humour.
I love things that break the mould and tonight God did that. Church usually starts with worship and then closes with worship.
The opening couldn't have been any more musically sound, it was perfect, every note, every harmony perfect. Then came the preach, pastor dave talked of ignoring everything around you, getting rid of the concept of 'looking oh so spiritual' and just focusing on making a sincere and honest connection with God in worship.
And this is where it gets funny...
Straight after Davo finishes the preach, the musicians hit the stage and just about anything that could go wrong does...
I'm talking off-key harmonies, missing beats, and it wouldn't be complete without that high pitched-ear piercing-kill me now sqeal from the amps.
But you know what?? I do not believe that I have ever been in a room more annointed with the presence of God, as I stood their in worship, I had tears falling down my cheeks, coz I knew this is what God thrives for...Strange you think?!
All I could think was, yes we're but human, we are never gonna be perfect, we're always going to fall so short of anything which God is capable of, But God prefers the blundering dronings of his children over the most beautiful harmonies from the angels in heaven...

*Sigh* God's a bit of a champ isn't he...
Definitely made me laugh tonight, I LOVE IT!!

1 comment:

_monica_ said...

Jez- you are an awesome girl, and i totally encourage you to keep sticking close to God. Your wisdom and knowledge is displayed on this site and i can see God shining through you. You are so special to me.