Saturday, April 30, 2005

itchy feet...and it's not tinea

I'm sure that I've said it before, about my struggle to be here in Armidale. Tonight I find myself wrestling with it again.

A group of us from my girly bible study headed out, just to chill and enjoy one anothers company, and being the one with the car this meant that I drove everyone about for the night, and it was awesome! There's nothing like a car full of your buddies laughing hysterically!
I decided pretty early on that I wanted to use my car to bless as many people as I can. The fact that I had recieved it at an incredibly reduced rate from my uncle (I call him Unco-dave) meant that it was such a blessing to me, and I wanted to return that.

So as always I had the girls telling me to drop them at the end of the street and they'd walk the rest of the way, and I'd stubbornly refuse, insisting that I drop them at their door. (I actually went so far one week as to switch on the child-locks to prevent them swinging their doors open trying to get out)
So eventually I reach the point when all the girls are home, safely through their doors, and I'm on the road alone, heading home...I love these times, their amongst some of my favourites, just driving and thinking.
I often wonder why I'm here in Armidale, if the only reason that ever comes out of it, was to meet the people that I have, well, then I consider that pretty cool.
it's just weird...

Before I moved to Uni, before I moved away from home for the first time ever, the concept seemed so huge. I could have lived there forever and honestly not thought that I was missing anything.
Now after nearly 3 years living here, building friendships and ties here, I could easily pack up and leave...I want to travel. I don't know if there is ever going to be a time in my life when I'm more free, and in my heart I know that the friendships that are built on something deeper, they'll last over distance- I've already seen that in my move to Armidale, I've seen that in my lasting friendship with Belinda, Kate, and Rea just to name a few of my gorgeous soul-sisters.

One day I'm sure that I'll settle down, have a family, the white picket fence and all that Jazz. But not yet. Maybe Armidale was a stepping stone, maybe it was to get me out of home, help me realize that I can do it, and encourage me on...
Who knows...but what I do know is I love the idea of moving on, not so much the concept of leaving people, but having the opportunity to go. I can't imagine wanting to be at any other stage in my life, I'm old enough to know what I want, while still being young and free enough to persue it.
...I want to finish my course, have that under my belt for wherever I go, after all no matter where I head in the world, they always need teachers.
it's's very cool

maybe I'll meet you on the road some time, you just never know ;)

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