Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Future Thinkings...

At the moment I am in 3rd year of my 4 year Primary teaching course, I had to leave home in 0rder to go to University, so during the holidays I usually head back to the family, and back to my holiday job, on the assistant staff at vaccation care, In comes the reason for todays thinking.
Kids ask many questions, anyone who has spent any time at all with children should, at least have noticed that. The questions are usually trivial things, for example Timothy a hilarious 6 year old, today asked me, "you know you've picked too hard if your nose starts bleeding don't you?!"

However it was one of these questions for kids that really got me thinking more about the direction of my future.
Sophie walked up to me today, looked me straight in the eye, with a look of sheer conviction and said "Can I ask you a question?" I was almost scared to hear what it was going to be, I was convinced that it was going to be something I couldn't answer...but I managed to mumble a 'yeah, sure' and found myself suprised by the question which emerged "How old are you?"
Sincerely relieved I answered "Twenty"
"Oh" says Sophie "Your going to be 21 soon, your going to be an adult, no longer a teenager, your going to get to do whatever you want"
with that she walked off, but my mind lingered there a little longer. She was right, and as I thought about it more and more, I felt that familiar rush of excitement which came when I thought of the things which I one day will do, with God standing on the sidelines, cheering my name, and reminding me which way I need to run to take a shot at the goal.
Admittedly I hadn't thought much beyond the next 2 years in quite some time...at the moment my biggest goal is to finish my University degree, be able to say that I am a fully qualified Primary school teacher, and that will indeed be a huge meaningful and sentimental achievement. Since I was seven years old I have wanted to teach, and to now be here, just one and half years away from seeing that become a reality is exciting, to say the least.
But when I dare look further, I have some possible storylines for my life pottering in my mind. I've decided to leave the decisions up to God, but I know that he knows the desires of my heart, and he's going to give me something to persue which will fulfill those desires more than I could ever dream to alone...

I have a passion for children, I see so much hope, so much passion, excitement in them. They inspire me to be better, to love more. It's for that reason I will one day teach...however I hope to take it further than that. I want to use my teaching to impact the world for God, for Good. I want to travel the world, I want to visit and live in some of the poorest, most barren (physically and spiritually) and just allow God to be a blessing there...
For many years I have had a huge heart for the children of Africa, I don't think that I could directly pin-point the reason, but I see so much life there, and I want to just love those kids. I have had many moments of path crossing with an organisation called http://www.mercyships.org.au This organisation purchases and converts Cargo ships into water hospitals, complete with operating theatres, accomodation and so on. There are around 3 or 4 of these ships, each focusing on a particular area of the world...which one does my heart lean towards? The African Mercy Ship...
Every single person working on board these ships is a volunteer, paying their way, all the way, and for that reason the ship is able to travel the African Coast, taking on board people who would otherwise not have the access or money in order to recieve the neccessary medical treatment. As people are often taken on board for months at a time, and bring the entire family, thats where I would come in...teaching the children.
Volunteers come from all over the world, and the classes on board the ship are incredibly multicultural, what an awesome environment to forster acceptance and understanding!

Whether through Mercy Ships or another, I do plan to use teaching within missionary work...I just want to serve and to love...Psalm 10:16-18


Working with Children I do also often get asked if I'm married, or have any children of my own...upon hearing that I am without husband,I have had at least 4 girls at vaccation care offer to match me up with one of the vaccation care boys...a bit young for my taste, but I have to appreciate the offer.
At this point in my life, I haven't found that other who God has for me, and from where I'm standing I do not believe that I have even met him yet. However I don't spend my time fretting about it. If I had my way I would have him in my life now, but life isn't supposed to be my way...after all it works out better if I don't try and control everything anyway (I prefer that too) I do hope to marry one day, perhaps even have children of my own (haven't decided that yet either) But for now God is preparing me, making me into the more dynamic and full person I can be, before he brings that other anywhere near the picture...I trust him, and I know that whoever he has for me is going to be Amazing and utterly incredible, I know that I can't wait to meet him, but for now, for the sake of the plan I must.

It's exciting times that I live in...I look forward to the future...

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