Monday, May 02, 2005

How'd I miss that?!!

Man...ever taken the time to really get to know someone and realized that they were nothing like you had ever known them to be?

I love sundays, any other day of the week I'm dragging myself out of bed, but not sundays, I spring out so fast on Sundays!!
I love everything about it...though one of my favourite parts is the drive, there is nothing finer than having a car crammed full of your mates, having a blast. Sunday mornings my car is chockers! I'm responsible (yes I can be) for driving half of Armidale to church (I have roof-racks).
The way too church is usually quieter, people chatting, but on the way home it can be chaos, utter joyful-gooberish chaos, I cannot describe the happiness I find in filling an old,dinted-up,1984, white, Royal Commodore with the sounds of Elisha, Felicity, Asia, Wae-Jae and myself singing off-key worship songs.

...and thats just the morning service...

I head along to evening church also, and this usually involves a different troop of people, Majority of them being fellow flat-mates (the lazies sleep during the morning and come along to the evening service) So usually it's myself, Asia, and my flat-mates Wae-Jae, Luke and Liz, and the evening service offers something completely different from's Cafe...I'm talking Nacho's, Wedges (thats wedges, not wedgies) Chocolate Moose...among a whole heap of other scrummy things, the atmosphere is awesome for chatting, bonding and all things fun.

So, now I've set the scene, in comes what this post is all about.

This is the second year that I have shared a flat with Luke, and I must admit that during the first year of sharing the same habitat, I really did not see much of him at all. He's incredibly studious! it's impressive actually, I've often been inspired but lets not get carried away.
The brief conversations which I had shared with Luke however, were always fairly serious. It has always seemed fairly obvious to me that he's an incredibly intelligent guy, though I remember thinking that perhaps he was a little overly serious...

Though with the new year of living together, the opportunity to see more of Lukes personality has emerged, it's been incredibly gradual, however last night, i am convinced that it hit it's peak, he threw all his cards on the table and lets just say, he was in fine form...

I never knew he had it in him, but the boy had me in hysterics the whole night...I'm talking intellectual jokes, full on slap sticks...awww I had to literally get up and walk away, my stomach was aching and I couldn't breathe!.

*sigh* thats good times for you.

But what the whole thing made me consider, was how quickly I can often form an opinion of a person. I don't consider myself judgmental by any means, but I had made assumptions about the sort of personality that Luke had, and I'm sure that I've done that to more people than just him.

I guess my big take from the night, was sort of a refreshing of my desire to 'really' know people. To take the time to see the person underneath the assumption, the person behind the nerves, or the self-conciousness...awww...because if tonight has taught me anything, it's that it's worth it!

Last night really opened the flood-gates of communication...

Today Liz, Luke and I sat together on the couch sharing stories about our old School-bus drivers from hell...Awwww
all I'm going to say is that between last night and now...the old tummy muscles have been given one heck of a work-out!

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