Monday, May 16, 2005


One of my best friends got engaged about a month ago, so nearly daily she's been recieving mail from bridal companies, and possible reception venues. I guess more than anything else it's made me think.

I'm not particularly fussed with the wedding itself, once upon a time I was your typical girl gushing over the gorgeous photo's and such, but I guess I've breathed a bit of reality into the fantasy. Ultimately the wedding itself really isn't that important, you spend ridiculous amounts of money on something which you only need two people present for. Sure everyone makes a big deal about the details, the dress, the venue, the food, the cake...blah blah blah, the list goes on.

Whats really important is the promise these two people are's a covenant and it's sacred, you could have the most beautiful dress this worlds ever seen, but if you don't take your promise sincerely then whats the point, what a waste of a day, what a waste of money.

I don't really get the fuss, in fact I don't want the fuss. Give me my choice and when(/if) the time comes around I'll have something simple, loose the chaos which distracts you from the real reason that your there...some close family and friends, keep it small, keep it simple and enjoy the day in a relaxed way while taking it seriously. Once that wedding ring hits my finger I plan on keeping it there for life.

Though I've been pondering this further of late. I'm not convinced that my life is really going to be all that 'normal' if it is even possible to define normality. I want to travel, to hit the mission field, and I can't gurantee how long I plan on doing that for, I might not settle down properly for many years, and while I'm excited by the idea of missionary work and all that jazz, I also find the idea a little...hmm...I don't know. I guess it would be easier to be single in terms of just packing up and going, but the idea leaves me with a sense of lonliness.
When I really think about it, I do love being single, I love where my life is at right now, but I have my moments, when I just think it'd be nice to have someone to hold and love, sometimes I miss so badly that person who I don't even know right now, And it's hard.
But on the flip-side I don't think I can bring another in to my life right now, I don't think it would be fair...I guess I have this sense that I have to do some more working on myself, establish 'me' further so that when the bloke does turn up he's going to recieve a dynamic person.

after all I hate that stupid line from 'Jerry Maguire' you know the one "You complete me" it's supposed to be sweet, I just found it gag worthy...I don't want to be someone who needs to be completed by a man...God has created me to be a complete, whole person in him.
I will not be defined by man.
I'll be me, completely me and nothing less.

[note] I'm feeling incredibly opinionated this evening, so bear with me ;)

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